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LSHTM Tanzania Network

Welcome to the website of the LSHTM Tanzania network. Our overall aim is to improve public health research in Tanzania through joint research and capacity-building, including through better communications and networking for LSHTM staff, students, and alumni in Tanzania.

Membership is open to LSHTM and collaborative site staff and research degree students whose work involves Tanzania; MSc students, both distance learning and face to face, who are Tanzanian or resident in Tanzania; and actively interested alumni linked to Tanzania. To subscribe or unsubscribe please see the links below.

We have an email list with a quarterly newsletter and we plan to hold a scientific  launch meeting in the first half of 2015.

Who's who
• Leadership group: Saidi Kapiga, David Mabey, Natacha Protopopoff, Joanna Schellenberg, Jim Todd.
• Administrative support: Amina Farah. 

Get in touch! 
We’d like to hear from you! Please send your news items and other contributions to: Amina Farah,

Subscribing and unsubscribing 
• To send to the list, send your message to 
• If you know of others who'd like to join, send them this link:
• To unsubscribe, click here:
• If you have an LSHTM login, you can see who’s on the list by logging in to  login with your LSHTM details and click review members.

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